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Terms & Conditions Of Use

Our service offers a holistic optimal user engagement with the highest credibility and simplicity of access to buy automatic Instagram likes.

Read the Privacy Statement
*Go Through The Terms And Conditions For A Complete Overview Of The Application.

General Policy

The relevant Instagram services offered at ViralGram are subject to specific terms and conditions, ensuring enhanced user support. When subscribing, utilizing, or acquiring even one of our services, Users accept the terms and conditions of ViralGram. We will consider that users have entirely understood and reviewed all accompanying policies. Therefore, ViralGram will not be accountable for either of the decrease in followers that ViralGram does not compensate for.

ViralGram urges all users to thoroughly review the mentioned terms and conditions before continuing with the services. This contract compels the client to comply with its underlying terms and conditions published on the website of ViralGram.

ViralGram has the authority to amend such terms and conditions and give improved and secured Instagram services. Each form of alteration into its terms and conditions need not impede the workability of the application.

Subscription Terms And Conditions

The services are strictly for individual usage, and it will not allow multiple Instagram accounts in one go. Users will have to register individually for a new Instagram account to benefit from its services.
When purchasing any service, each user undertakes neither to create replicas nor to share papers or resources. It gets installed on the user's device to enable ease of functioning.
When enrolling in such a service, everyone acknowledges and agrees to be safe when retrieving all relevant Insta profile information for seamless order processing.
When subscribing to this service, the user accepts that no refunds will be issued once the purchase or service has been completed.
When subscribing to this service, the user agrees to provide the trustworthy staff of ViralGram access to their Instagram account to purchase automated Instagram likes and comments, contingent on the subscription package.
When subscribing to this service, the user agrees to be OK with their Instagram account being substantially automated to get organic followers, likes, views, and comments.
When subscribing to this service, the user undertakes not to use this software to create third-party websites. If the ViralGram team detects such behavior, the user will receive a word of caution before being banned from the site.
ViralGram may suspend the user's access to sites without any explanation or warning if they discover a set of policy breaches, resulting in the instant loss of their ViralGram account and any information linked with it. We do not ensure the failure of engagement in prior purchases in this circumstance.
ViralGram should only be used to buy Instagram likes, comments, saves, impressions, comments, and followers on one Instagram account. The site makes no guarantee that the new followers will connect with the user. Each user will only receive the services for which they have paid.
ViralGram does not promise that new followers or profiles who interact with the user's post will have a display picture, a complete bio, or uploaded posts.
Users are expected to place their Instagram profile 'open' for hassle-free order delivery. ViralGram will not tolerate any difficulty caused by a private account, nor will it be held accountable.

Cookies Policy

ViralGram employs cookies better to analyze the behavior of its users or subscribers to provide the most appropriate services. To utilize your cookie information, ViralGram has the following terms.

A cookie is a file on your hard disc that you authorize and permit the site to use. It enables the site to assess its users and give more relevant services to the client. The information is then saved in the site's database.
ViralGram solely utilizes cookie information to customize your services and provide you with a rich user experience.
The ViralGram website only gathers the information which you consent to provide.
Accepting cookies does not allow ViralGram any leverage over your system or the details you do not wish to share. It would only read the info you want to provide.
Declining cookies for the ViralGram website does not affect your purchases or subscriptions inside the ViralGram software.
I Agree. Start My Subscription Now

Refund Policy

According to our current refund policy, ViralGram will only handle refunds if requested within thirty days after the zero hours. The sole criteria for requesting a refund is that the user requests within thirty days after the order completion or malfunction concern. The user can contact ViralGram’s customer support by raising a ticket or sending an email.

Furthermore, ViralGram will not be held liable for payments made using stolen credit cards or transaction details. Similarly, the site does not encourage any illicit conduct forbidden by law. If you encounter such a problem, please visit our Support page and submit a case.

Privacy Policy

What Data Does ViralGram Collect?

ViralGram is dedicated to offering the most satisfying user experience in data security and accessibility. As a result, the software seeks to use the provided information to improve its services and reputation.

  • Contact Information: To approach the user for promotional activities and advise them of important information about their orders.
  • Username: Used to determine the correct address to which orders should be delivered.
  • Cookies are used to personalize the user’s experience.
How Long Does ViralGram Keep Any User's Information?

When a user approaches ViralGram, its database maintains the required information about that user to expedite future deals with them. And such particulars are preserved in the database for as long as possible.

By chance, ViralGram experiences server difficulties. As a result, minor or substantial data loss may occur during specific periods. However! Aside from that, ViralGram wants to maintain previous and prospective users’ data in their database.

How Do Other Website Hyperlinks Affect ViralGram's Users?

ViralGram’s website may contain hyperlinks to other websites of relevance. They are provided to aid the user’s navigation through the material displayed on the AutoLikes IG website. ViralGram, on the other hand, has no control over the content of some other website and therefore does not promote it.

This privacy statement does not apply to other websites. As a result, ViralGram is not obligated to be responsible for the security or privacy of any data you supply when accessing such sites. ViralGam urges its users to be cautious and read the website’s privacy policy on the issue.

Changes To This Agreement

ViralGram has the right to change its privacy policy at any moment. When this occurs, it is not always necessary to harm the user experience. However, if a user is dissatisfied with the terms of service, they can cancel or stop utilizing the services offered by ViralGram anytime.

The user can return to the site regularly to see whether there have been any changes to the terms and conditions and privacy policy that ViralGram provides. However, the management team of this platform would most likely notify its users of any changes to the agreement.


ViralGram’s website possesses information that is entirely owned and licensed by ViralGram.   This software reserves the right to alter the platform’s commitments or services to the trusted team of ViralGram.

The platform’s owner reserves all intellectual property rights. The user may use the tools and services available on the ViralGram website, subject to the limits set out in the preceding terms and conditions.


ViralGram’s terms and conditions do not exclude or restrict its users or liability for any fraudulent action or misunderstanding. This agreement’s limitations further state that ViralGram does not ban obligations of itself and its users that are not authorized under the legislation of the user’s geolocation. The website of ViralGram does not guarantee that the content of its website will be kept up to date.

This agreement shall take effect on this date.